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Alternative Water Softening Methods

Hard water is a common issue in homes across Canada and water softeners have emerged as an effective way to help mitigate the issue. However, some water softeners have posed certain issues for some homeowners, giving way to alternative water softening methods in homes across Canada and beyond. Some of the issues that water softening systems owners have had issues with include being too expensive, harming the environment, and requiring multiple maintenance checks throughout its lifespan.

At Preferred Plumbing Solutions, we want to rid your home of any hard water buildup and aim to do it in the most efficient and effective way possible. We do it in a way that doesn’t harm the environment, is easy on your wallet, and won’t require as many maintenance checks.

To understand what methods we need to use in order to remove hard water, let’s first understand what “hard water” is. The combination of calcium and magnesium, dissolved in water, are the two most common minerals to make water “hard”. When water moves through rock and soil, it will dissolve into a small number of minerals and hold them in solution. The amount of calcium and magnesium content will determine the degree of hardness that will accumulate in the water.

Hard water can interfere with nearly everything that involves your sink, dishwasher, laundry machine, or anything else that requires water. It affects the water in the bathtubs and sinks and when clothes come out of the washing machine using hard water, they will often come out looking dirty and spotty, feeling harsher than usual.

Spotting will appear on dishes and glasses after drying and will form a slight film on shower doors, walls, faucets, and tubs. When hair is washed using hard water, it will feel dull and stiff. Clearly, hard water can linger and cause issues down the road.

Water Softening

Here’s our list of alternative water-softening methods:

Flow-Tech Water System

A new and innovative solution to treating your hard water is the Flow-Tech Water system. It’s a revolutionary system that controls the limescale buildup of magnesium and calcium that is eco-friendly and maintenance-free! Developed by a team of chemical engineers, this ground-breaking system will treat your water at all hours of the day, every day of the year. What Flow-Tech does is use a low-frequency signal that will emit several thousand times per second throughout your home’s entire plumbing system. The signals reverse the buildup that eventually dissolves into the water. Flow-Tech will continuously use this method and treat your water so it doesn’t create that film or make your water harsh. Learn more about how Flow-Tech water systems can help YOUR home!

Electromagnetic Water Unit Water Softeners

For many Canadians, electromagnetic has become a water softener alternative that will supply clean drinking water. What the unit does is purifies the water without all the harmful substances mixed in. Using electromagnetic treatment doesn’t harm the environment, does not cost too much, isn’t very noisy in your home, and removes any bad smells your water might be emitting. This electromagnetic system doesn’t use chemicals and works in a short amount of time, which might make it a good substitute for a water softener in your home. A few pitfalls might include the fact that there’s a lack of research when it comes to the effectiveness of electromagnetic water softeners, so proceed with caution.

Using a Reverse Osmosis System

With a reverse osmosis system, you can be 99% sure that your water is fully dissolved in the mineral buildup. The system will remove any impurities, including chloride and fluoride and you can rest assured that your drinking water will be safe. With this method, you will require less bottled water because of its pureness. Your food will also taste better as a result of the purer water. Another plus to a reverse osmosis system is that it doesn’t require electricity to run and can save you on your utility bills. Because of its multiple filters in trapping any impurities in your water, this method of water purifying might be the best for your health.

Due to its intense filtering, the water you will drink that gets sieved through a reverse osmosis system will taste – and smell – better than you’re used to with tap water. Maintenance-wise, the system only requires a filter change once or twice a year but might depend on the type of system you have.

A few disadvantages to the reverse osmosis system is its slow process, which if you are in a hurry for clean water, will have to resort to other quicker methods. Also, if the system is filtering chlorinated water, it might require expensive repairs due to becoming faulty over time. If you are planning on purchasing a reverse osmosis system, be prepared to get the additional add-ons so you get the full experience it calls for.

Using an Electronic Descaler

With an electronic descaler, the system uses nanotechnology to change the actual nature of the water. Through magnets, the unit will change the chemical makeup of the elements as they dissolve, thus making water salt-free. As mentioned, hard water forms when there’s a high concentration of magnesium and calcium and can cause damage to your skin, clothing and appliances. With this nifty device, you will eliminate all the chalky residue that builds up in a normal piping system. However, a pitfall to the electronic descaler is that it only works on running water. If you are concerned about cleaning water in a pot or reservoir, consider other options.

UsingTemplate Assisted Crystallization

Using a template-assisted crystallization system, it won’t require excessive care, electricity or the use of chemicals. All that’s needed is to keep the unit clean frequently after first installing it. The downside to it is that calcium and magnesium will remain in the water, which can be great for your health but will create hard water and can be harmful to your clothing and appliances. The template-assisted crystallization method is also eco-friendly. Some of the other alternative water softener units use expensive control valves, but not with a TAC unit, making it a more affordable solution. There will also be less of a discharge, leading to a lower water bill and you can end up saving money because of a low rate of potential repairs due to its sturdiness.

In Conclusion

  • Dealing with hard water can be an annoying thing to go through in your home. Having to see the result of buildup resonating on your dishes, shower walls, and appliances and its adverse effects on your health will have you looking for a change.
  • Thankfully there are multiple water softener methods that will help alleviate the hard water issue. Some of the options are eco-friendly and some are cost-effective.
  • Ultimately you will want a unit that will do all of the above and do it seamlessly so that you don’t need to bother with it once it’s installed.
  • With Preferred Plumbing Solutions, you will get our guarantee that it will lower your water bill, save you money and remove all the scum off your dishes and appliances!
  • if you have any questions about water softening methods, we are located in Markham, contact us at 905 597 8555!
  • We highly recommend the Flow-Tech Water System solution as we are Canada’s top source for this new, innovative unit now available to homes everywhere.

Scale Build Up In Pipes


Why are my faucets stiff and so difficult to operate?
Stiff faucets are caused by worn internal components such as cartridges. This is due to the hardness of the water.

What is a water softener?
A piece of equipment that replaces the calcium and magnesium as well as most minerals through the ionic exchange from your water supply system

Is there a cheaper and easier alternative to a water softener?
Yes! Our revolutionary Flow-Tech Anti-Scale system renders all the minerals in your water supply plumbing system harmless without the bulky and invasive aspects of a water softener. The Flow-Tech is a water conditioner, not a water softener.

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